
Summer简单版钢琴谱-Calvin Harris

2023-12-07 7

是一位来自英国苏格兰的创作歌手、音乐制作人和DJCalvin Harris的歌曲。在2007年Calvin Harris以单曲《Acceptable in the 80s》出道,开始引起主流媒体的注意。至今,他已发行了三张录音室专辑,并为许多国际巨星制作了多首热门单曲。2011年底,由Calvin Harris一手创作并制作,由巴巴多斯小天后Rihanna演唱的《We Found Love》获得了全球范围内的巨大成功,也为Calvin Harris迅速打开了知名度。现在他已是全球炙手可热的流行舞曲制作人,在2013年全球百大DJ排名中名列第15位。


When I met you in the summer

To my heartbeat's sound

We fell in love

As the leaves turned brown

And we could be together baby

As long as skies are blue

You act so innocent now

But you lied so soon

When I met you in the summer

When I met you in the summer

To my heartbeat's sound

We fell in love

As the leaves turned brown

And we could be together baby

As long as skies are blue

You act so innocent now

But you lied so soon

When I met you in the summer

When I met you in the summer


Calvin(55) Harris(52) Summer简单版(2)

